
Sharing services

ClusterLink uses services as the unit of sharing between peers. One or more peers can expose an (internal) K8s Service to be consumed by other peers in the fabric. A service is exposed by creating an Export CR referencing it in the source cluster. Similarly, the exported service can be made accessible to workloads in a peer by defining an Import CR in the destination cluster1. Thus, service sharing is an explicit operation. Services are not automatically shared by peers in the fabric. Note that the exporting cluster must be configured as a peer of the importing cluster.


Services sharing is done on a per namespace basis and does not require cluster wide privileges. It is intended to be used by application owners having access to their own namespaces only.

A service is shared using a logical name. The logical name does not have to match the actual Kubernetes Service name in the exporting cluster. Exporting a service does not expose cluster Pods or their IP addresses to the importing clusters. Any load balancing and scaling decisions are kept local in the exporting cluster. This reduces the amount, frequency and sensitivity of information shared between clusters. Similarly, the imported service can have any arbitrary name in the destination cluster, allowing independent choice of naming.

Orchestration of service sharing is the responsibility of users wishing to export or import it, and any relevant information (e.g, the exported service name and namespace) must be communicated out of band. In the future, this could be done by a centralized management plane.


The following assume that you have kubectl access to two or more clusters where ClusterLink has already been deployed and configured.

Exporting a service

In order to make a service potentially accessible by other clusters, it must be explicitly configured for remote access via ClusterLink. Exporting is accomplished by creating an Export CR in the same namespace as the service being exposed. The CR acts as a marker for enabling remote access to the service via ClusterLink.

Export Custom Resource
type Export struct {
    metav1.TypeMeta   `json:",inline"`
    metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`

    Spec ExportSpec     `json:"spec,omitempty"`
    Status ExportStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`

type ExportSpec struct {
    Host string `json:"host,omitempty"`
    Port uint16 `json:"port,omitempty"`

type ExportStatus struct {
    Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty"`

The ExportSpec defines the following fields:

  • Host (string, optional): the name of the service being exported. The service must be defined in the same namespace as the Export CR. If empty, the export shall refer to a Kubernetes Service with the same name as the instance’s It is an error to refer to a non-existent service or one that is not present in the local namespace. The error will be reflected in the CRD’s status.
  • Port (integer, required): the port number being exposed. If you wish to export a multi-port service2, you will need to define multiple Exports using the same Host value and a different Port each. This is aligned with ClusterLink’s principle of being explicit in sharing and limiting exposure whenever possible.

Note that exporting a Service does not automatically make is accessible to other peers, but only enables potential access. To complete service sharing, you must define at least one [access control policy][concept-policy] that allows access in the exporting cluster. In addition, users in consuming clusters must still explicitly configure service imports and policies in their respective namespaces.

Example YAML for kubectl apply -f <export_file>
kind: Export
  name: iperf3-server
  namespace: default
  port:  5000

Importing a service

Exposing remote services to a peer is accomplished by creating an Import CR to a namespace. The CR represents the imported service and its available backends across all peers. In response to an Import CR, ClusterLink control plane will create a local Kubernetes Service selecting the ClusterLink data plane Pods. The use of native Kubernetes constructs, allows ClusterLink to work with any compliant cluster and CNI, transparently.

The Import instance creates the service endpoint in the same namespace as it is defined in. The created service will have the Import’s metadata.Name. This allows maintaining independent names for services between peers. Alternately, you may use the same name for the import and related source exports. You can define multiple Import CRs for the same set of Exports in different namespaces. These are independent of each other.

Import Custom Resource
type Import struct {
    metav1.TypeMeta   `json:",inline"`
    metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`

    Spec ImportSpec     `json:"spec"`
    Status ImportStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`

type ImportSpec struct {
    Port uint16 `json:"port"`
    TargetPort uint16 `json:"targetPort,omitempty"`
    Sources []ImportSource `json:"sources"`
    LBScheme string `json:"lbScheme"`

type ImportSource struct {
    Peer string `json:"peer"`
    ExportName string `json:"exportName"`
    ExportNamespace string `json:"exportNamespace"`

type ImportStatus struct {
    Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty"`

The ImportSpec defines the following fields:

  • Port (integer, required): the imported, user facing, port number defined on the created service object.
  • TargetPort (integer, optional): this is the internal listening port used by the ClusterLink data plane pods to represent the remote services. Typically the choice of TargetPort should be left to the ClusterLink control plane, allowing it to select a random and non-conflicting port, but there may be cases where you wish to assume responsibility for port selection (e.g., a-priori define local cluster Kubernetes NetworkPolicy object instances). This may result in port conflicts as is done for NodePort services.
  • Sources (source array, required): references to remote exports providing backends for the Import. Each reference names a different export through the combination of:
    • Peer (string, required): name of ClusterLink peer where the export is defined.
    • ExportNamespace (string, required): name of the namespace on the remote peer where the export is defined.
    • ExportName (string, required): name of the remote export.
  • LBScheme (string, optional): load balancing method to select between different Sources defined. The default policy is random, but you could override it to use round-robin or static (i.e., fixed) assignment.

As with exports, importing a service does not automatically make it accessible by workloads, but only enables potential access. To complete service sharing, you must define at least one access control policy that allows access in the importing cluster. To grant access, a connection must be evaluated to “allow” by both egress (importing cluster) and ingress (exporting cluster) policies.

Example YAML for kubectl apply -f <import_file>
kind: Import
  name: iperf3-server
  namespace: default
  port:       5000
    - exportName:       iperf3-server
      exportNamespace:  default
      peer:             server

Once a service is exported and imported by one or more clusters, you should configure [polices][] governing its access. For a complete end to end use case, refer to iperf tutorial.

  1. While using similar terminology as the Kubernetes Multicluster Service enhancement proposal (MCS KEP), the ClusterLink implementation intentionally differs from and is not compliant with the KEP (e.g., there is no ClusterSet and “name sameness” assumption). ↩︎

  2. ClusterLink intentionally does not expose all service ports, as typically only a small subset in a multi-port service is meant to be user accessible, and other ports are service internal (e.g., ports used for internal service coordination and replication). ↩︎