
Running basic connectivity between iPerf3 applications across two sites using ClusterLink

In this tutorial we’ll establish iPerf3 connectivity between two kind clusters using ClusterLink. The tutorial uses two kind clusters:

  1. Client cluster - runs ClusterLink along with an iPerf3 client.
  2. Server cluster - runs ClusterLink along with an iPerf3 server.
  1. Install ClusterLink CLI on Linux or Mac using the installation script:

    curl -L https://github.com/clusterlink-net/clusterlink/releases/latest/download/clusterlink.sh | sh -
  2. Verify the installation:

    clusterlink --version

Initialize clusters

In this tutorial we set up a local environment using kind. You can skip this step if you already have access to existing clusters, just be sure to set KUBECONFIG accordingly.

To setup two kind clusters:

  1. Install kind using kind installation guide.

  2. Create a directory for all the tutorial files:

    mkdir iperf3-tutorial
  3. Open two terminals in the tutorial directory and create a kind cluster in each terminal:

    Client cluster:

    cd iperf3-tutorial kind create cluster --name=client

    Server cluster:

    cd iperf3-tutorial kind create cluster --name=server


    kind uses the prefix kind, so the name of created clusters will be kind-client and kind-server.

  4. Setup KUBECONFIG on each terminal to access the cluster:

    Client cluster:

    kubectl config use-context kind-client cp ~/.kube/config $PWD/config-client export KUBECONFIG=$PWD/config-client

    Server cluster:

    kubectl config use-context kind-server cp ~/.kube/config $PWD/config-server export KUBECONFIG=$PWD/config-server


You can run the tutorial in a single terminal and switch access between the clusters using kubectl config use-context kind-client and kubectl config use-context kind-server.

Deploy iPerf3 client and server

Install iPerf3 (client and server) on the clusters:

Client cluster:

export TEST_FILES=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/clusterlink-net/clusterlink/main/demos/iperf3/testdata/manifests kubectl apply -f $TEST_FILES/iperf3-client/iperf3-client.yaml

Server cluster:

export TEST_FILES=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/clusterlink-net/clusterlink/main/demos/iperf3/testdata/manifests kubectl apply -f $TEST_FILES/iperf3-server/iperf3.yaml
  1. Create the fabric and peer certificates for the clusters:

    Client cluster:

    clusterlink create fabric clusterlink create peer-cert --name client

    Server cluster:

    clusterlink create peer-cert --name server

    All peer certificates (i.e., for the client and server clusters, in this tutorial) should be created from the same fabric CA files. In this tutorial, we assume the server has access to the Fabric certificate created in the default_fabric folder. In this tutorial, we assume the server cluster creation has access to the fabric certificate stored in the default_fabric folder. If it doesn’t, the fabric certificate should be copied from the client to the server.

    For more details regarding fabric and peer see core concepts.

  2. Deploy ClusterLink on each cluster:

    Client cluster:

    clusterlink deploy peer --name client --ingress=NodePort --ingress-port=30443

    Server cluster:

    clusterlink deploy peer --name server --ingress=NodePort --ingress-port=30443

    This tutorial uses NodePort to create an external access point for the kind clusters. By default deploy peer creates an ingress of type LoadBalancer, which is more suitable for Kubernetes clusters running in the cloud.

  3. Verify that ClusterLink control and data plane components are running:

    It may take a few seconds for the deployments to be successfully created.

    Client cluster:

    kubectl rollout status deployment cl-controlplane -n clusterlink-system kubectl rollout status deployment cl-dataplane -n clusterlink-system

    Server cluster:

    kubectl rollout status deployment cl-controlplane -n clusterlink-system kubectl rollout status deployment cl-dataplane -n clusterlink-system
Sample output
deployment "cl-controlplane" successfully rolled out
deployment "cl-dataplane" successfully rolled out

Enable cross-cluster access

In this step, we enable connectivity access between the iPerf3 client and server. For each step, you have an example demonstrating how to apply the command from a file or providing the complete custom resource (CR) associated with the command.

Note that the provided YAML configuration files refer to environment variables (defined below) that should be set when running the tutorial. The values are replaced in the YAMLs using envsubst utility.

Installing envsubst on macOS

In case envsubst does not exist, you can install it with:

brew install gettext brew link --force gettext

Set-up peers

Add the remote peer to each cluster:

Client cluster:

export SERVER_IP=`docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' server-control-plane` curl -s $TEST_FILES/clusterlink/peer-server.yaml | envsubst | kubectl apply -f -
export SERVER_IP=`docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' server-control-plane` echo " apiVersion: clusterlink.net/v1alpha1 kind: Peer metadata: name: server namespace: clusterlink-system spec: gateways: - host: "${SERVER_IP}" port: 30443 " | kubectl apply -f -

Server cluster:

export CLIENT_IP=`docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' client-control-plane` curl -s $TEST_FILES/clusterlink/peer-client.yaml | envsubst | kubectl apply -f -
export CLIENT_IP=`docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' client-control-plane` echo " apiVersion: clusterlink.net/v1alpha1 kind: Peer metadata: name: client namespace: clusterlink-system spec: gateways: - host: "${CLIENT_IP}" port: 30443 " | kubectl apply -f -

The CLIENT_IP and SERVER_IP refers to the node IP of the peer kind cluster, which assigns the peer YAML file.

To verify that the connectivity between the peers is established correctly, please check if the condition PeerReachable has been added to the peer CR status in each cluster.

kubectl describe peers.clusterlink.net -A
Sample output
Name:         client
Namespace:    clusterlink-system
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  <none>
API Version:  clusterlink.net/v1alpha1
Kind:         Peer
  Creation Timestamp:  2024-05-28T12:47:33Z
  Generation:          1
  Resource Version:    807
  UID:                 1fdeafff-707a-43e2-bb3a-826f003a42ed
    Port:  30443
    Last Transition Time:  2024-05-28T12:47:33Z
    Reason:                Heartbeat
    Status:                True
    Type:                  PeerReachable

Export the iPerf server endpoint

In the server cluster, export the iperf3-server service:

Server cluster:

kubectl apply -f $TEST_FILES/clusterlink/export-iperf3.yaml
echo " apiVersion: clusterlink.net/v1alpha1 kind: Export metadata: name: iperf3-server namespace: default spec: port: 5000 " | kubectl apply -f -

Set-up import

In the client cluster, import the iperf3-server service from the server cluster:

Client cluster:

kubectl apply -f $TEST_FILES/clusterlink/import-iperf3.yaml
echo " apiVersion: clusterlink.net/v1alpha1 kind: Import metadata: name: iperf3-server namespace: default spec: port: 5000 sources: - exportName: iperf3-server exportNamespace: default peer: server " | kubectl apply -f -

Set-up access policies

Create access policies on both clusters to allow connectivity:

Client cluster:

kubectl apply -f $TEST_FILES/clusterlink/allow-policy.yaml
echo " apiVersion: clusterlink.net/v1alpha1 kind: AccessPolicy metadata: name: allow-policy namespace: default spec: action: allow from: - workloadSelector: {} to: - workloadSelector: {} " | kubectl apply -f -

Server cluster:

kubectl apply -f $TEST_FILES/clusterlink/allow-policy.yaml
echo " apiVersion: clusterlink.net/v1alpha1 kind: AccessPolicy metadata: name: allow-policy namespace: default spec: action: allow from: - workloadSelector: {} to: - workloadSelector: {} " | kubectl apply -f -

For more details regarding policy configuration, see policies documentation.

Test service connectivity

Test the iperf3 connectivity between the clusters:

Client cluster:

export IPERF3CLIENT=`kubectl get pods -l app=iperf3-client -o custom-columns=:metadata.name --no-headers` kubectl exec -i $IPERF3CLIENT -- iperf3 -c iperf3-server --port 5000
Sample output
Connecting to host iperf3-server, port 5000 [ 5] local port 51666 connected to port 5000 [ ID] Interval Transfer Bitrate Retr Cwnd [ 5] 0.00-1.00 sec 639 MBytes 5.36 Gbits/sec 0 938 KBytes [ 5] 1.00-2.00 sec 627 MBytes 5.26 Gbits/sec 0 938 KBytes [ 5] 2.00-3.00 sec 628 MBytes 5.26 Gbits/sec 0 938 KBytes [ 5] 3.00-4.00 sec 635 MBytes 5.33 Gbits/sec 0 938 KBytes [ 5] 4.00-5.00 sec 630 MBytes 5.29 Gbits/sec 0 938 KBytes [ 5] 5.00-6.00 sec 636 MBytes 5.33 Gbits/sec 0 938 KBytes [ 5] 6.00-7.00 sec 639 MBytes 5.36 Gbits/sec 0 938 KBytes [ 5] 7.00-8.00 sec 634 MBytes 5.32 Gbits/sec 0 938 KBytes [ 5] 8.00-9.00 sec 641 MBytes 5.39 Gbits/sec 0 938 KBytes [ 5] 9.00-10.00 sec 633 MBytes 5.30 Gbits/sec 0 938 KBytes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ ID] Interval Transfer Bitrate Retr [ 5] 0.00-10.00 sec 6.19 GBytes 5.32 Gbits/sec 0 sender [ 5] 0.00-10.00 sec 6.18 GBytes 5.31 Gbits/sec receiver iperf Done.


  1. Delete the kind clusters: Client cluster:

    kind delete cluster --name=client

    Server cluster:

    kind delete cluster --name=server
  2. Remove the tutorial directory:

    cd .. && rm -rf iperf3-tutorial
  3. Unset the environment variables:

    Client cluster:


    Server cluster: